Rev. Beth Cohen
Private Practice as a Spiritual Counselor and Mentor, and Bodymind Therapist: 2013-Present Tree of Life Interfaith Temple Spiritual Mentoring Certificate Program: Program facilitator 2022-2024 Spiritual Mentoring: Certification 2018 Seminary Ordination 2013 Antioch New England Graduate School: MA in Counseling and Dance/Movement Therapy 2007 The Pathwork Organization, graduated from four-year Personal Transformation Program: 2004 Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health: employed as Massage Therapist 1996-2005, as Instructor of Yoga and Meditation 2003-2005 Certification as a Yoga-Dance Instructor 2001 Certification as Yoga Teacher 1997 As a volunteer program assistant in many programs over the years. Stillpoint Center School of Massage: Graduated 1993 Lifelong practitioner of Insight Meditation and Yoga AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION To paraphrase Reverend Stephanie’s teaching: We are who we are because of our woundedness, not in spite of it. My early wounding left me feeling disconnected from others, and from myself and my body. But, as Grace would have it, this led me to discover a deep love for yoga, meditation, healing touch, dance, and other expressive therapies. It opened worlds of healing for myself, and for helping others to heal, by reconnecting with their bodies, hearts, and souls. I feel blessed by my work and my ability to pay forward the healing that I received. MY PERSONAL STATEMENT I have been on a quest for Truth for my whole life. From my early misguided attempts through drugs and alcohol in my youth, to my discovery of spirituality in my twenties, I have never stopped searching. That search has led me to many spiritual communities, teachings, and practices, and I am grateful for them all. I celebrate the diversity of all people and spiritual paths, and whole-heartedly agree with the statement that: Many are the Ways We Worship One God. Finding the path of Interfaith Ministry and Spiritual Mentoring has truly felt like coming home. I feel passionate about being of service to others, and walking with them on their healing journeys. I believe that we are each guided by our own wisdom, yet within the complexity of our humanity, we can also feel lost at times. A safe space and a good listening heart can help to guide us back to our wisdom and right us on our path. |