A Sacred Calling:
Prerequisites: A tender heart
Start Date: September 27, 2020 Number of Classes: 9 classes: Sept 27th, Oct 11th and 25th, Nov 8th and 22nd Dec 6th and 20th, Jan 10th and 24th Number of Participants: Min 7 /Max 12 Day/Time: Sundays, 6:30-8:00pm Cost: $112.50 Location: Zoom Required / Suggested Reading:
* The Rebecca Notebook by Daphne D Maurie * Heartfelt Memorial Services by Beverly Molander and Dave Savage * Beyond Absence: A Treasury of Poems, Quotations and Readings on Death and Remembrance Edited by Edward Searl * Funerals and Memorials by Dayna Reid * The Healing Power of Grief: the Journey through Loss to life and Laughter by Gloria Lintermans et al * It's ok that you're not OK by Megan Divine * It's ok to Laugh (Crying is cool too) by Nora McInerny Purmort *** And anything or everything that will make your rituals come alive, take wings and fly |
About Debora-Ellen: I tend to think of myself as a lover of life and an instrument of healing. Once scared by death, now truly at peace with it----peace began when my first Novice Directress realized my phobia and true peace surrounded me as my step-mother and siblings accompanied my dad into his next realm of life.
Qualifications / Certifications relevant to teaching this class: Master's of Pastoral Studies; Master's of Divinity; Training and certification in Spiritual Direction from the Haden Institute; Graduate studies in Thanatology and Ritual from the University of Dayton, Catholic Theological Union, and Notre Dame; 20 -25 years experience in creating and presiding over life rituals; 8 years working with Service Corporation International --a Dignity Provider for Cemeteries and Funeral Homes in the Chicago market; An ordained Interfaith Minister through the Tree of Life Seminary |