Overview of Membership ~ The Legalities
Who is a Member: A member is a person at least 16 years of age who affirms a belief in the tenets of our faith and agrees to be governed by the constitution and bylaws of this church as herein set forth. Persons meeting this criteria affirm their membership by signing the Tree of Life Interfaith Book. New members will be acknowledged and welcomed at a Tree of Life worship service if desired and able.
Any member who wishes to resign may do so by written notification to the Secretary of the Leadership Council.
Rights of Membership: Members shall be entitled to vote in the annual meetings of the church on budgets, presiding and associate ministers, Leadership Council officers, and any other matters that the Leadership Council determines to be of such import to the entire community that it seeks the input of the membership. You must be present in person or via Zoom or other electronic meeting program in order to vote. Members not present in person may send in their votes so that the candidates can be affirmed by the end of the meeting and any church business may be counted.
Membership Meeting: Members shall be given at least two weeks’ notice of Annual Business meetings or other meetings that may be called requiring a vote of the membership. The notice shall advise the time, place and date of the meeting and shall include a summary of items or officers that will be voted on at that meeting. A 20% quorum of voting members must be present in person and electronically to proceed. If a 20% quorum is not present, the vote must be postponed to another date.
Duties of the membership: Members are expected to participate in the life of the congregation and encouraged to make an annual pledge of financial support to the degree possible. Members who have not participated in the life of the congregation or made an annual financial contribution within a period of two years will be contacted by a letter or personal visit to determine if they desire to continue as a member of the congregation. In the absence of a clear affirmative answer thirty two days after the mailing or visit, the council or its appointed delegate shall have the power to remove the member’s name from the list. Members are expected to engage in behaviors that uplift and support the community. Conversely they agree to refrain from behaviors deemed to be harmful to our community, as detailed in our constitution and bylaws.