Covid-19 Protocol
January 2024 Update
As we joyfully gather in person again for upcoming events at the Temple, let us be mindful that Covid, RSV, flu, and the common cold abound in the community. We have masks available at the Temple. Their use is optional, but encouraged, especially if you or anyone in your household has been exposed to an illness. If you are ill, please join us on Zoom and we look forward to seeing you in person at another time. Thanks for understanding!
As a refresher, here are the current guidelines :
Symptoms, testing, and isolation guidelines per Oklahoman newspaper
CDC Weekly update on respiratory illnesses
Covid data tracker
As we joyfully gather in person again for upcoming events at the Temple, let us be mindful that Covid, RSV, flu, and the common cold abound in the community. We have masks available at the Temple. Their use is optional, but encouraged, especially if you or anyone in your household has been exposed to an illness. If you are ill, please join us on Zoom and we look forward to seeing you in person at another time. Thanks for understanding!
As a refresher, here are the current guidelines :
Symptoms, testing, and isolation guidelines per Oklahoman newspaper
CDC Weekly update on respiratory illnesses
Covid data tracker
The basics, for any indoor event sponsored / hosted by Tree of Life Interfaith Temple ~
We kindly and respectfully request:
The basics, for any indoor event sponsored / hosted by Tree of Life Interfaith Temple ~
We kindly and respectfully request:
- masks to be properly worn by everyone
- food to be eaten either on our lower floor, with space between people and the bay door open - to allow for much air flow - or, ideally, eaten outside
- food to be “bring your own,” and please don’t share
- In the case of large events / retreats (vetted by the Leadership Council), food to be served by one person wearing mask and gloves
- masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the Temple for anyone who might forget to bring theirs
August 8, 2021
Dear Tree of Life Interfaith Temple community,
Pax et bonum! Though we are all doing our best to pray this Covid-19 and its Delta variants away, it seems until more people realize the importance of the vaccine and responsible behavior, we as a community may be dealing with it for another few months unfortunately. And yet our spirits are so yearning for the TOLIT to return and continue the blessed works that have begun so many years ago.
Due to the still ever so dominant threat of Covid, the Leadership Council has made the difficult but necessary decision to mandate the wearing of masks whenever TOL members gather inside for classes, spiritual practices, retreats, and community functions. In addition, we all concur that until these threats have diminished and our gatherings will be safe, we are asking that participants only bring in bagged lunches (unless someone still has one of those old fashioned Jetsons or Peanuts lunch boxes - which could be quite a fashion statement I imagine). During your lunch or snack breaks we would ask you all to eat downstairs where you can open that big door or, weather permitting, have your participants bring their yard chairs and sit outside and break bread together. And, in love, just reinforce the “Do Not Share Your Lunch” policy we all learned in Kindergarten.
I don’t know about you, but I am so longing for the days of warm hugs, pot luck dinners or fondu, with sharing all our favorite desserts. And let’s not forget what it sounded like when we could stand around a piano, organ, guitars, Panda Drum and let our voices sing with Creation---Soon my brothers and sisters, soon.
Know there will be extra masks provided at the Temple and plenty of hand sanitizer for those who might forget that these are still challenging times.
Thanks for your leadership, your ongoing cooperation, and your support for our collective health,
The TOL Leadership Council
Dear Tree of Life Interfaith Temple community,
Pax et bonum! Though we are all doing our best to pray this Covid-19 and its Delta variants away, it seems until more people realize the importance of the vaccine and responsible behavior, we as a community may be dealing with it for another few months unfortunately. And yet our spirits are so yearning for the TOLIT to return and continue the blessed works that have begun so many years ago.
Due to the still ever so dominant threat of Covid, the Leadership Council has made the difficult but necessary decision to mandate the wearing of masks whenever TOL members gather inside for classes, spiritual practices, retreats, and community functions. In addition, we all concur that until these threats have diminished and our gatherings will be safe, we are asking that participants only bring in bagged lunches (unless someone still has one of those old fashioned Jetsons or Peanuts lunch boxes - which could be quite a fashion statement I imagine). During your lunch or snack breaks we would ask you all to eat downstairs where you can open that big door or, weather permitting, have your participants bring their yard chairs and sit outside and break bread together. And, in love, just reinforce the “Do Not Share Your Lunch” policy we all learned in Kindergarten.
I don’t know about you, but I am so longing for the days of warm hugs, pot luck dinners or fondu, with sharing all our favorite desserts. And let’s not forget what it sounded like when we could stand around a piano, organ, guitars, Panda Drum and let our voices sing with Creation---Soon my brothers and sisters, soon.
Know there will be extra masks provided at the Temple and plenty of hand sanitizer for those who might forget that these are still challenging times.
Thanks for your leadership, your ongoing cooperation, and your support for our collective health,
The TOL Leadership Council