Our Ministries/Our Lives
Each of our ministers has been ordained through the Tree of Life Interfaith Temple having completed the Tree of Life School for Sacred Living Seminary Program. They live their connection with the Divine in everyday life. This is their passion. Read here to see how our ministers have been called to serve.
Rev. CAROL LACHANCE, Ordained 2018
As a young person I felt a call to serve others and respond to the pain in the world. My childhood in England gave me a deep connection with the soil, air and ocean, and I learned to love the earth and all her creatures, especially horses! In later life, I fulfilled my dream of owning a horse, Max. He became my great teacher on the spiritual journey. read more... |
Rev. Dr. STEPHANIE RUTT, Founder of Tree of Life Interfaith Temple and Presiding Minister
I live and move and have my being within the heart of God. I know that all I am and all I do impacts the whole. I am the Lover who calls out, as the mourning dove cries for its mate. I am the Love, the Word, when my heart chants, sings, moves and prays an ecstatic song. And, when this Love has had its way with me, and the conditions are set, I, graciously, experience moments of mystical unity with my Beloved, who waits just beyond the edges of my understanding. read more... |
Rev. CAMILLA SANDERSON, Ordained 2014
Growing up, I intuitively knew my own inner divinity – the same inner divinity that exists within us all. I connected with my divinity during times of presence: sailing our twelve-foot Laser on Pittwater where I grew up in Sydney, hiking in the Australian bush, running and playing softball on the sand flats with my three sisters, playing my flute by the waterfall near our home. It happened most often in nature. I wasn’t brought up in any particular religion, but went to a Waldorf school that honored body, mind, and spirit. read more... |