Rev. Carol LaChance, Seminary Program Coordinator
Tree of Life Interfaith Seminary: Ordained June 2018 Certified Spiritual Mentor: 2018 Call of the Mourning Dove and a variety of other classes with Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt Education: M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction Retreat Facilitator: A New Catholic Mysticism (1990s) Certified Birth Doula: 2015 Centering Prayer daily and in a group since 2016 Member SCBWI (Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) since 2010. Author: The Way of the Mother (Element Books, 1991) AREAS OF SPECIALTY My areas of interest are teaching, writing and helping people to give birth. I work as a Birth Doula serving women through labor and birth, and as a Spiritual Mentor sitting with people to spiritually birth their inner gifts. I was a teacher of K – 8 gifted and talented students for twenty years and have been writing for children for ten years. One of my passions is working with horses and I was fortunate enough to share life with Max (pictured above), who was my spiritual director, for fifteen years! MY PERSONAL STATEMENT The words of Thicht Nhat Hahn, a Vietnamese Buddhist, resonate with me: “Dear One, I am here for you.” My experience in seminary changed my life. I was gifted with a Spiritual Guide who supported me through all the challenges and joys of finding my inner treasure, and I look forward to assisting seminarian and Guide as together they excavate, experience and embrace the Love within. I have been married to my soulmate for nearly forty years and have two married daughters and four grandchildren. I attend the Episcopal church, but I seek God in all traditions, finding joy wherever I open my heart, whether in Buddhist meditation, Hindu mantras, Sufi dances or shamanic journeying. There are many paths to God and each one offers me a delicious taste of the divine. My strengths as a spiritual seeker are my willingness to surrender, to sit in the fire of meditation and silence in order to be transformed and healed. My daily spiritual practice allows Love to transform my very human emotions into devotion so that I may love God most. If you are thinking about walking this path, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to offer a path that will bring you closer to God, and a community that is vibrant and welcoming. I invite you to begin the journey. |