
Essay for consideration as Presiding Minister
By: Rev. Peggy Petahtegoose
I have been sitting in thought for sometime now as to whether I should apply for this position. Instead of jumping in gleefully and hastily as I would so often do in the past, with remorse shortly after for not thinking things through. In this instance I knew I truly needed to ponder what this would mean for me and our Tree of Life Community. Until a couple of days ago I was still unable to make a decision. Then it occurred to me, the truth of the matter. I was afraid of not being “enough”, afraid of failure, of letting our community down, of not knowing enough people because I do not have a “network”. Yet there was a gentle nudging still sitting there within me. Patiently waiting. And so it is that I have recognized my human fears and accepted that they are all valid for consideration. Realizing that the community is ultimately the deciding factor, not I. They will vote a yes or no. I will be grateful simply for the opportunity to offer myself in service as it is one of my vows, created for ordination in 2014.
At this time in my life I feel I am ready to step up to the task of holding our community together during this time of great change. We have seen in the past that people are fearful and anxious when such great movements are made. I am not ignorant of the fact that this is truly a walk of faith into the unknown for me. Though I truly believe we have so many wonderfully dedicated members that will always step up and help, guide, assist and encourage as we move forward with our Tree of Life visions for the future.
So what do I bring that will benefit the Tree of Life Interfaith Temple? Faith. The faith that I have always walked with and been guided by in my life time. I went back to my seminary work and read my Ministry’s Guiding Belief and Principles document that I created in 2014. I have attached that for you. I believe it holds all the answers you seek for why I feel a calling, this “nudging” from Creator to put myself into the arena of possible candidates. I also reference here a number of points from the Role of Presiding Minister document that Stephanie created, that I feel I resonate with.
Why do I believe so strongly in the Tree Of Life? I was lost and then found. Creator brought us together and I followed Stephanie. What I found was the place that I had been searching for my whole life. A place of open arms, respect for my beliefs, interest in them even. Like minded people who believe that there are many names for the One. Many ways up that mountain and thousands or more of ways we have experienced the Creator in our life times. At last we had found a home that honored all. I believe there are many out there still searching for their “home”, that place we have established over the past ten years. Lets keep that momentum going, find the lost, bring them in, and love them unconditionally.
Can I do this on my own? Absolutely Not. I will require all those beloveds who are able and willing to work with me as I will with them. This is a community, we walk together in faith, peace, love and joy. Blissfully.
I offer myself in service.
Rev. Peggy Petahtegoose
By: Rev. Peggy Petahtegoose
I have been sitting in thought for sometime now as to whether I should apply for this position. Instead of jumping in gleefully and hastily as I would so often do in the past, with remorse shortly after for not thinking things through. In this instance I knew I truly needed to ponder what this would mean for me and our Tree of Life Community. Until a couple of days ago I was still unable to make a decision. Then it occurred to me, the truth of the matter. I was afraid of not being “enough”, afraid of failure, of letting our community down, of not knowing enough people because I do not have a “network”. Yet there was a gentle nudging still sitting there within me. Patiently waiting. And so it is that I have recognized my human fears and accepted that they are all valid for consideration. Realizing that the community is ultimately the deciding factor, not I. They will vote a yes or no. I will be grateful simply for the opportunity to offer myself in service as it is one of my vows, created for ordination in 2014.
At this time in my life I feel I am ready to step up to the task of holding our community together during this time of great change. We have seen in the past that people are fearful and anxious when such great movements are made. I am not ignorant of the fact that this is truly a walk of faith into the unknown for me. Though I truly believe we have so many wonderfully dedicated members that will always step up and help, guide, assist and encourage as we move forward with our Tree of Life visions for the future.
So what do I bring that will benefit the Tree of Life Interfaith Temple? Faith. The faith that I have always walked with and been guided by in my life time. I went back to my seminary work and read my Ministry’s Guiding Belief and Principles document that I created in 2014. I have attached that for you. I believe it holds all the answers you seek for why I feel a calling, this “nudging” from Creator to put myself into the arena of possible candidates. I also reference here a number of points from the Role of Presiding Minister document that Stephanie created, that I feel I resonate with.
- “All peoples are sparks of God-as we live in God-that all creation is united in God”
- Core Theology,”people don’t just learn about God but are taught how to experience God for themselves through mystical unity”
- “Hold all in the community in equal manner with a sense of equanimity.”
- “Your role is arbitrator and mentor for all”
- “Loves all devotionally”
- “Is your job to model what devotional love looks like”
- “Inspires”, “fulfill its destiny! This is done by keeping clear of our theology, vision, and collective purpose”
Why do I believe so strongly in the Tree Of Life? I was lost and then found. Creator brought us together and I followed Stephanie. What I found was the place that I had been searching for my whole life. A place of open arms, respect for my beliefs, interest in them even. Like minded people who believe that there are many names for the One. Many ways up that mountain and thousands or more of ways we have experienced the Creator in our life times. At last we had found a home that honored all. I believe there are many out there still searching for their “home”, that place we have established over the past ten years. Lets keep that momentum going, find the lost, bring them in, and love them unconditionally.
Can I do this on my own? Absolutely Not. I will require all those beloveds who are able and willing to work with me as I will with them. This is a community, we walk together in faith, peace, love and joy. Blissfully.
I offer myself in service.
Rev. Peggy Petahtegoose